
is a FREE Windows automatic on-line cost and timing monitor. Once installed and configured SmartSurf requires no further action on the users behalf to automatically record all on-line activity and provide details of charges incurred and time spent. Just install it and forget it until you want to review charges and times. SmartSurf has a permanent tiny display that appears and dissapears with your online services and that you can hide in the caption bar of any window to show the current time online and the costs incurred, both service provider cost and telecommunications (phone) charges. SmartSurf understands different charging bands at different times, and concepts such as "30 hours free per month", or different charge bands for different times of the day or week. SmartSurf has analytical capabilities built in to determine costs by service or by date. It produces reports or can export data to either the clipboard or in comma separated format ready for direct import into a spreadsheet for more sophistcated analysis. SmartSurf has full Windows Help and modern interface including tooltips.